Overcoming Leash Training Challenges with Boston Terriers

July 30, 2023Categories: Pet Training,

Leash training can be a challenge for many dog owners, especially when it comes to energetic breeds like Boston Terriers. These adorable and intelligent canines have a reputation for being stubborn, making leash training even more challenging. However, with some patience, consistency, and the right approach, you can overcome these challenges and enjoy walks with your Boston Terrier.

Boston Terrier Wearing Leash

Start Early and Be Consistent

Like with any form of training, starting early is crucial. As soon as you bring your Boston Terrier puppy home, introduce them to the leash. Let them sniff it and get used to its presence. Gradually attach the leash to their harness or collar and allow them to walk around the house or garden with it for short periods.

Consistency is key when leash training Boston Terriers. Make sure to allocate regular time for training sessions, ideally every day. Keep the sessions short, around 10-15 minutes, to maintain your dog's focus and prevent frustration. Use clear and consistent commands during training, such as "heel" or "let's go," to provide direction to your Boston Terrier.

Positive Reinforcement

Boston Terriers respond well to positive reinforcement techniques. Instead of scolding or punishing your dog for not following leash commands, reward them with treats and praise when they exhibit desired behaviors. This positive association will make the training experience more enjoyable for your pup, encouraging them to repeat the desired behaviors.

When your Boston Terrier walks alongside you without pulling or tugging, reward them with a treat or verbal praise. This positive reinforcement will reinforce the idea that loose leash walking is rewarding. With time and consistent positive reinforcement, your Boston Terrier will learn to associate walking calmly on a leash with positive experiences.

Practice Distraction Training

Boston Terriers can easily get distracted, especially when they encounter new smells or see other dogs or animals. To overcome this challenge, gradually introduce distractions during training sessions. Start with mild distractions, such as having a family member walk by or placing toys on the floor, and gradually increase the distractions as your Boston Terrier becomes more confident.

Teach your Boston Terrier the "watch me" command to redirect their attention when they become distracted. By training them to focus on you during walks, you can easily regain control and maintain their attention.

For more information on this topic, see Lacy's book Boston Terrier Training Triumphs.


Leash training may pose challenges with Boston Terriers, but with patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, you can overcome them. Start early, be consistent with training sessions, use positive reinforcement techniques, and gradually introduce distractions. Remember to always keep the training sessions short and enjoyable for your pup. Soon enough, you'll be able to enjoy pleasant walks with your well-behaved Boston Terrier.

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