How to Teach Your Boston Terrier Obedience Commands

July 20, 2023Categories: Dog Training.,

How to Teach Your Boston Terrier Obedience Commands

Training your Boston Terrier to obey commands is not only necessary for their safety, but it also helps them become well-behaved and happy members of your family. Whether youve just brought home a new puppy or have an adult Boston Terrier who needs some reinforcement, teaching obedience commands can be a rewarding experience for both of you. Here are some tips to get you started on the right track:

1. Start with the Basics

When training your Boston Terrier, its important to begin with the basic obedience commands such as sit, stay, come, and down. These commands form the foundation for more advanced training later on. Use positive reinforcement techniques like treats and praise to reward your pup when they successfully follow your commands. Be patient and consistent, and remember that training takes time and repetition.

2. Use Clear and Consistent Cue Words

Choose cue words for each command and stick with them. Your Boston Terrier should associate specific words with each command to ensure they understand what is expected of them. Use simple and clear cue words like sit, stay, and come. Avoid using similar-sounding words for different commands to prevent confusion.

3. Practice in Different Environments

Once your Boston Terrier has mastered the basic obedience commands at home, its important to practice them in different environments to generalize the training. Take your pup to the park, on walks, or to a friends house to expose them to various distractions. This helps them learn to obey your commands regardless of the environment and strengthens their obedience skills.

4. Consistency is Key

Consistency is vital when teaching obedience commands to your Boston Terrier. Make sure that all family members and anyone who interacts with your dog uses the same cue words and follows the same training techniques. This consistency helps your pup understand the commands better and avoids confusion or mixed signals.

5. Seek Professional Help if Needed

If you're having difficulty training your Boston Terrier or need guidance on more advanced commands, don't hesitate to seek professional help. Professional dog trainers have the knowledge and experience to help address specific training challenges and can provide personalized advice tailored to your dog's needs.

Remember, training your Boston Terrier takes time, patience, and consistency. Celebrate each success along the way and be prepared to adjust your training techniques if needed. Soon enough, you'll have a well-behaved Boston Terrier who eagerly follows your commands and brings joy to your life!

For more information on this topic, see Lacy's book Boston Terrier Training Triumphs.

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